Dental Check-Up in Campbelltown
Benefit from routine checks to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Your one-stop solution to a happy, confident smile.
Non-Judgemental Dental Care
Everything you need to keep your smile in optimum condition
Digital Xrays
X-rays are essential to a dental check-up for assessment, diagnosis and monitoring of any current dental issues.
Scale and Clean
The final part of a dental check-up is a scale and clean. Patients can expect the removal of plaque and hardened tartar from the teeth and below the gum line.
Dental Sealants
Fissure sealants fill the grooves in the back teeth, helping keep out food and bacteria to prevent decay. Kids and adults can benefit from fissure sealants.
Cancer Screening
Oral cancer screening is a vital part of a dental check-up. Our dentist examines the inside and outside of the mouth, head and neck for signs of cancer.
Dental Polish
Once the teeth are clean, they are gently polished with a minty abrasive to remove surface stains and leave them sparkling.
Fluoride Treatment
This quick and easy procedure helps protect and remineralise enamel, helping prevent cavities in adults and children. Ask about fluoride treatment at our clinic
The Importance Of Dental Check-Ups
Attending a dental check-up at our dental clinic has many advantages. Not only does it help patients keep their smiles in tip-top shape, but it helps our dentists get to know you and your family better. Regular checks help us detect problems in their early stages before they become more complex and costly. Prevention is always better than cure, so don’t be tempted to skip an appointment. We recommend dental health checks at least once a year or more, depending on your dental history.
What Can Patients Expect?
A general check-up and clean consists of two stages. The first is an oral examination to check the current condition of your teeth and gums. The dentist may also request an x-ray to check for problems that aren’t always visible such as a cyst or impacted wisdom tooth. The second stage is to clean the teeth thoroughly and polish them. If any problems are detected, the dentist will discuss treatment options and create a treatment plan to help get your oral health back on track.
As a full-service dentist, we provide first-class dental care for patients of every age. Why not give Available Dental Care a call on (02) 4062 8763 to book a dental check-up and clean with our caring, gentle dentist.